Our proposals at a glance
- 260 new homes including 30% affordable housing (managed by Bristol City Council or a housing association) with access off Broomhill Road
- Proposals that focus on nature and landscape quality, with a commitment to an overall increase of 10% biodiversity achieved on and off site
- An integrated '20-minute neighbourhood' where schools; shops; work opportunities; Victory Park and Eastwood Farm, and public transport are within walking distance, helping alleviate air quality and congestion
- New formal and informal play spaces and new pedestrian and cycle routes heading south and north, east and west
- Investment in the local area through the Community Infrastructure Levy
Key project milestones
Site acquired
March 2020Main consultation
8 December 2021 to 16 January 2022Review of public feedback and refinement of plans
Early 2022Outline planning application submitted
April 2022Planning appeal submitted
October 2022Outline planning permission granted
April 2023Submission of reserved matters application
Summer 2025Homes England, in partnership with the appointed developer, intends to submit a reserved matters application for the site in the summer of 2025. This will determine the detailed design of the homes, community buildings and public spaces.