Active travel and the 20 minute neighbourhood
Homes England will not be able to force people not to use cars, but we can try to make it easier for people not to. Measures to help with this include the proposed school link making it easy for residents to walk to school, the shops or the public transport on Broomhill Road. We are looking to improve pedestrian and cycle routes to the east, south and west.
We believe Brislington Meadows is very well connected with schools, job opportunities, and the local centre within walking distance. Feedback suggests that public transport could be improved.
As above, we believe Brislington Meadows is very well-connected with schools, job opportunities, and the local centre within walking distance. Feedback from others would suggest that public transport could be improved. We will be opening up pedestrian and cycle routes through the site which will make active journeys easier for both residents of the site and existing adjacent residents.
As above, we believe many local services are accessible on foot, bike or public transport (and Voi) but are not suggesting that everyone will be able to walk to work.
This was an omission and will be included in future versions of the plans.
Links will be retained along key desire lines within the boundary area to relevant services and key destinations. A new link will be provided to Broomhill Junior School/Allison Road and Fermaine Avenue to the north, a new improved pathway to School Road to the west, and retained/enhanced links along Bonville Road will be provided. Designated cycling paths will also be provided east-west along the meadows. All properties will be provided with secure cycle storage facilities.
As above.
As above, we cannot force people not to use their cars but our proposals include a number of measures to make it as easy as possible for people not to.
The numbers of cyclists using local junctions has been included in surveys undertaken. By providing better cycle connections through the site, and by providing investment in off-site highway improvements (as required by Bristol City Council), it is considered that local cycle usage will be increased which is a positive outcome.
This is outside our area of control but we would be keen to discuss plans to improve connections with Bristol City Council and local representative groups.
The ‘wetland meadow’ would not be permanently wet, it would be grassland, not reed beds. Much of the time it would provide usable open space, but the boardwalks and pathways will be provided to ensure access all year round to deal with periods of high rainfall. There are also other walking routes around this part of the site which will maintain connectivity with destinations such as Victory Park.
The meadows to the south is circa 0.88 ha, that would leave around 3.1 ha of open space/retained verges on the site for new and existing residents to enjoy.
This is still being assessed, and we would welcome any local knowledge of problems/issues on walking and cycling routes to local destinations. We are improving the route between the allotments to School Road.
The Number 1 is a 12-15 minute service which is a very good frequency and while all bus services experience issues with delays and driver shortages, such a frequency should mean that waiting times are limited.
As above.
We are not proposing contributions to bus services but would be contributing to bus stops improvements. The bus service is a commercial service and more demand may lead to more buses. Contributions to bus services are generally limited to where services are not good or do not run beyond certain times.
It is intended to provide an appropriately lit pathway of around 5m, subject to some retention of key trees, which may necessitate narrowing in certain parts of the route. It will accommodate both walking and cycling and will be a significant improvement on the existing condition of this path.
As above.
The cycleways will be 3m wide to accommodate cyclists in both directions and would be segregated from walkways using surface materials and low level kerbs. The footpaths vary from 1.5m to 3.5m wide across the scheme depending upon site constraints.
Any requirements for financial contributions will be determined by Bristol City Council and form part of the S106 agreement once agreed.
Traffic and transport
A Traffic Impact Assessment is being prepared and will be submitted as part of the planning application.
Not yet. Traffic counts were only recently undertaken (just prior to December announcement to work from home). These will be used to model the impact of the development on existing junctions.
Traffic assessments are still being undertaken. We are continuing to monitor plans for the A4 and discussing any implications for Brislington Meadows with BCC transport officers.
Vehicular traffic will inevitably increase and the impacts of this will be considered in the Traffic Impact Assessment. Improvements to Broomhill Road and other local roads/junctions, alongside a range of measures to encourage other modes of transport, will be agreed with BCC and included in the S106 agreement.
A Traffic Impact Assessment will form part of the planning application submission.
Traffic - Access
Due to site constraints, it is only possible to provide one point of access into the site off Broomhill Road. There will be an emergency access off Bonville Road. This principle has been discussed with BCC Transport officers.
We did look in detail at having an access off School Road but it was ruled out as it would lead to the loss of mature trees and hedgerow, it would create a ‘canyon effect’ due to height differentials, and raise highway safety concerns due to speed of traffic coming down the hill.
Bonville Road has also been discounted as it would cut across the important ecological corridor (light and width) and there is a risk it could create a ‘rat run’.
An emergency access here will be narrow and doesn’t need to be lit to the same level as a normal route.
We are proposing either a locked gate or bollards which emergency services would have access to.
As above.
Traffic - Construction
Measures and restrictions will be set out in the Construction Management Plan produced to manage this. It is anticipated that a significant amount of construction traffic will use a construction access off Bonville Road.
As above.
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