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Construction & management

This will be looked at in detail during the reserved matters stage through the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), however we would welcome comments on this.

The CEMP would include proposed working hours, routes for construction traffic, noise, air quality and dust monitoring, tree root protection zones, ecological mitigation measures, and parking arrangements for vehicles including subcontractors. It is anticipated that a significant amount of construction traffic will use a construction access off Bonville Road.

We anticipate that it will take 4-5 years to complete the development

This is a fundamental principle of the process. Once outline planning permission is granted, we will then market the site to a development partner. The developer would work up the fine grain detail of a scheme in line with the original masterplan (which will include a design code), apply for reserved matters planning consent, and then build the scheme out under a building lease from Homes England.

Unlike a usual landowner, Homes England stays involved throughout the development process to ensure the homes are built to the necessary standards and the integrity and design/management principles of the original masterplan are maintained. The freehold is not released until individual plots are sold or a body is appointed to manage the site.

Bringing in a partner is how we work and we do it across the country. Locally we have just finished working with Barratt Homes in Filwood Park, which is a good example of how housing is delivered on a Homes England site.

This is a detailed matter that will need to be addressed later but we’re working on the principle that footpaths and cycle links will be adopted by the Council and that a management company will be set up to manage the open spaces, trees, hedges, and drainage in accordance with planning obligations/conditions and a management plan.

In respect of individual plots, there will be potential to incorporate measures such as swift bricks, bat boxes and hedgehog friendly fencing for example.

The main access roads will be adopted, but the extent of other adopted areas will be agreed with Bristol City Council under future reserved matters application(s).

As above.

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