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Air quality & climate change

Our leaflet did not say this, it said:

“An integrated ‘20-minute neighbourhood’ where schools; shops; work opportunities; Victory Park and Eastwood Farm, and public transport are within walking distance, helping alleviate air quality and congestion.”

There will almost certainly be an increase in traffic but we are keen to make it as easy as possible for people to leave their cars at home. Doing this here is easier than in locations further from the city centre and is helped by being close to local services. Our plans include a new school link and improvements to pedestrian and cycle routes.

All the homes here will be built to Future Homes Standard which ensures new homes built from 2025 will produce 75-80% less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations. This will be looked at in detail as part of the reserved matters application.

This will be decided at the Reserved Matters stage and by council policy.

Homes England is committed to delivering the Future Homes Standard for all the new homes built on the site. The Future Homes Standard is a set of standards that will complement the Building Regulations to ensure new homes built from 2025 will produce 75-80% less carbon emissions than homes delivered under current regulations. The Future Homes Standard will see gas boilers and other fossil-fuel heating systems banned from new homes.

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